Friday, December 29, 2006


I painted the first of my sequential images, and it's terrible, a big lump of brown mess. So it's back to flour mill pappy. Here are some sketches to see what I can come up with. Pretty random, not concerned with quality, just pure experimentation, see if I can loosen up enough to do something useful.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Acrylic Ink, hold the soda

I've got into using acrylic inks with a brush rather than with the aquash pen. The great thing about them is that they are so easy to mix as the bottles come with a handy dropper. So 3 drops sepia mixed with 5 drops scarlet and you get a pleasant old fashioned red. Below is the sort of thing I'm now racing to do for the Sequential Image project. I have my sequence sketched out on acrylic friendly paper, I now need to get the palette right and get painting.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

More character designs

Still not happy with my drawings/character for this module and time is running out. Here are some more alternatives I've been trying.

Friday, December 15, 2006

More from the sequence

This top one is probably the one I dislike least so far. I'm starting to like it more and more, but I think this is because I'm getting used to it and being lazy. The composition is ok, the drawing certainly is not.

Another one from the sequence.

A painting using my old technique (chinagraph pencil - blue, arcylic inks and aquapen), which I'm determined not to use, at least not for this module. I'm also avoiding using the computer for now as I'll rely on it too much. I might have to do a bit for the final pieces though.

Too much reverting going on

I'm putting together ideas and establishing ways of getting this ladder idea done. This top image is the first in a short sequence after fiddling with character design (see below). This is acrylic ink using an aquabrush + pencil.

Character sketches for 'Frank Normal' the victim/anti-hero of the ladder idea.
World design using my old way of drawing but using new techniques. If I followed through with this it would have been pointless doing the course, I need to push myself to do different things, far more than I am at the moment.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Ladder

This is an idea for my Sequential Image module. The top image is the most recent, the bottom one is where it all grew from, the middle stuff is (all) the steps between. The most recent look a bit washed out compared to the originals. I also had a great chat with David Hughes on Wednesday who seemed quite pleased with my progress (still a long way from being good mind), most of which I wouldn't have made without James Mayhew's help. In fact all the tutors on my course are pretty damn good, the complete opposite of my experience as an undergradute.

Two test framescharacter and scene test which somehow warped in the lower image into something I liked much more.
Trying to develop a characvter for the sequence

Playing around with composition and trying to nail down a subject.

More life drawing

Both of these were done using Acrylic ink and the Pentel Water brush.