Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Draw or die

This week has been fairly eventful drawy wise. On Friday I went to see Scarlett and Faith's new addition "Tynan". The little bugger is a handsome chap, much more handsome than my clumsy penmanship can capture unfortunately (sorry Tynan). NB: He's not a conjoined twin, I just drew him twice on the same page.

The weekend was eaten up doing film work. On Monday, the talented James Mayhew, who teaches on my course, and myself wandered the streets of cambridge sketching and righting wrongs. I'll have to use the Uni scanner to scan them in as my scanner is too small, so I'll post them up another time. It was a fun and useful outing, even though I'm not terribly impressed with my results. James got me to use some new drawing materials which led on to:

Brush and Ink work. On Monday I tried this for the first time and the results were sketchy to say the least, but something seemed to interest me about it. Today we had life drawing and I mostly used the clever 'water in the handle' brushes and some indian ink.

This one below I did with one dip, meaning I dipped the brush into the ink once and didn't put anymore on after that. I think this is my favourite. I might even go as far as to say I like this.

This one underneath was made using a fat Derwent 8B thing James lent me. I quite like this, it's like my other 8B I've talked about before but much fatter.

1 comment:

faithb said...

haha - didn't see these while you were here (you fled before I could sneak a peek). I find it impossible to draw babies without them looking like old men - it doesn't help of course that Tynan looks like an old geezer to begin with :-D