Friday, September 01, 2006

More sketches

Bit of a gap while I've been doing work, sorrting out tenants and such. All the pencil/charcoal drawings I'm trying to do fast at the moment as I need to increase the speed of my drawing and get less tied down to detail. My focus at the moment is on geting relative sizes and angles correct.

Here's the latest batch:
A church tower, it got quite smudged, charcoal gets everywhere.

A guy on the train. I drew him on my way to London for a meeting. the top sketch was far to tall/narrow so I started again.

Some keys I drew while at Scarlett and Faith's house. I tried to draw a matchbox before this but it was very difficult. I kept getting the proportiona and angles wrong because there was a shortage of references. The keys were much easier.

A boy in the park.

A lamp in my room.

A few more to come...

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