In September I will begin an MA in Children's Book Illustration at the ARU in Cambrige.
I'm 31, I can only draw to novice ability and the course is probably going to ruin me financially.
Why am I doing this? Well I've worked in the games industry as a designer for more than 8 years now and like many veterans before me, I'm a bit fed up with most of the nonsense that happens in the industry so I thought I'd try something completely different while I still can. I should point out that I quite like the company I'm currently working for (Ideaworks3D) and a few of the other companies I've worked for, but I'm bored with doing ports, conversions, and by the numbers original ideas. I'm also fed up with the long hours, no social life and being surrounded by men all day, smart and interesting as they are. I still love games, but I think it'll take the Nintendo Wii to give it another breath of fresh air. When that happens, An MA in Children's Book Illustration should come in very handy. I'm hoping to do some part-time work with Ideaworks3D to keep me in tea and buscuits and also because they are starting to do games I find interesting, we'll see if I can juggle both.
So this blog is to chart my progress or otherwise over a year of learning to draw - and, with any luck, eventually draw well.
Once I have my scanner sorted out I'll scan in my early attempts to draw. I'm starting pretty much from scratch and have just finished reading Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. I've also bought Art Rage 2 to get my head around painting technique without it costing me a fortune in brushes,paints,canvas...
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