Friday, August 18, 2006

Quick Sketches

Today I went to Boarders and bought Martin Salisbury's book 'Illustrating Children's Books' after reading a load of it again and sketching some art from it. Below are sketches from the wonderful book 'Beegu', a bad sketch of a student book called "Fantastic Fire Fluff Monster" and a sketch of a sketch.

Then I went to the park and drew a terrible picture of Erica.

And a better picture of Jon.

Then we went to a pub and all tried drawing the condiment rack in 3 minutes.

That's all for today.

1 comment:

faithb said...

I'm confused. Are the cartoony sketches yours, someone else's or yours-copying-someone-else's? They're cool I like them.

Picture of Erica is bad. You must've been trying too hard.

Picture of Jon is nice composition.

Picture of condiments is good, I like it. Somehow dynamic.